ψ Psychology

Technology-mediated clinic and usability research


Psicólogos da Internet

I participate in clinical supervision and online care in the Internet Psychologists group. There we studied topics related to technology-mediated care and discussed clinical cases regardless of the approach. I occasionally do psychological counseling. If you are interested, send the message to marciobda@gmail.com.


Usability tests and contextual interviews to understand how people used products and services. Most of the work I did in this area was as a freelance researcher.


The Nucleus for Research in Psychology in Informatics (NPPI) was a nucleus of studies and clinical practice at PUC created in the early 2000s to study the interfaces between the two areas.

When I participated in the group, between 2011 and 2017, I did psychological counseling via email and case supervision during this period.

I also gave classes in the extension courses offered by the nucleus for some years.

During that time I also wrote some articles on technology, social networks and psychology